Monday, September 21, 2009

My First Blog

Hi there,
I decided to write a blog to reach more people.
I will begin by telling you about myself and who doesn't want to talk about themselves. lol.
If you are on facebook with me then you already know me.
I'm a very creative and talented person. I'm psychic also a medium. Most people who know me do say I'm weird but I'll consider that a compliment.
I'm a terrific Tarot Card Reader. I have a group on facebook, you can join, The Shining Hope Tarot study and chat.
I'm a Tarot deck creator and a Tarot writer.
I'm not in it for the money. I am in it to help people with their daily problems and to offer continuing support.
I have always been interested in the occult, paranormal, spiritual, weird, mysterious, etc. I love the study of ghosts, ghost research, investigating. I highly respect the people in this field. They are awesome. My fave shows are Paranormal State and Ghost Whisperer. I watch every ghost show.
Personally, I'm divorced ten years but remain good friends with ex now. We were married 11 years and we have an awesome son Joshua who's now 20. We are extremely proud of him. I'm glad he's still at home but will venture to college soon.
We have 8 cockatiels, Pidgey, Jessie, Misty, Nicky, Pebbles, Punkin, Chirpy and Sunny we love dearly and our cute dwarf bunny Shadow.
I live in the GTA, Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada. I'm proud to be Canadian. I live in Mississauga which is part of the GTA. Ten minutes from Pearson International airport. I do get to see lots of planes. I like their sounds.
I have my own personal problems. I have bipolar which I was diagnosed in 2000, seeing a psychiatrist for this and Post traumatic stress disorder. I'm not ashamed to post this as my plight will help others and if I can talk about it openly on here I can help others going through the same. I am joining a bipolar group in Dec. It was a long process which I'm still going through. It is a part of who I am and I am glad to own it. I hate it when people say you shouldn't put labels on it well this to me, is just stupid. I want to know what it is I have so I can do something about it. I call myself a bipolar bear. LOL I do take meds, actually Paxil daily and it stops the mania, that's the worst part of it. I am fairly stable now. I can handle the depression. I prefer it to the mania.
I think it also adds to my creativity.
I believe people who are bipolar or schizophrenic are aware of their creative side more, if they can handle these disorders then their creativity can flourish.
I'm single at the moment, and looking for a boyfriend in my area, my age, well, I do have a date with a new man. He's been very good to me. So hopefully this will continue.
I have an awesome family and fantastic friends. I have the bestest friends ever.
Well this is the gist of me. I'll continue to write more. I mostly want to write the blog to offer my Tarot insights on it, Tarot readings and courses. This is my huge passion in life, the Tarot. It keeps me very busy. I've had tremendous teachers. I want to thank them all. I have one right now, she is fantastic. Ozarkseer. Her code name.
I will continue another day. Tell you more. Love you all. Cheryl.